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(03) 9761122?
We are committed to providing professional and courteous services for our customers and dealers.
Here you can find documentation, FAQs, and register your Phoenix Communications system. Phoenix Communications gives small businesses a great product at a truly great price. You can buy it over the phone or through our web site.
Best of all, purchasing from Phoenix Communications is easy.
Phoenix Communications transforms the quality of service and support expected from a phone system supplier. Phoenix Communications is also easy to use and maintain through the voice prompted user interface. As a result, employees and suppliers - through features like built-in voice mail, Phoenix Communications provides small businesses the tools they need to transform the way their business communicates - with customers, automated attendant and follow-me forwarding. Phoenix Communications is changing that!
Phoenix Communications set out to design a feature-rich product that could be offered through a direct distribution system to customers at an affordable price. But when it comes to their phone systems, most small businesses are still at a disadvantage. Thanks to the Internet, today’s small businesses can compete in larger markets with bigger companies.
Phoenix Communications is a company that is dedicated to improving the communication systems of small businesses. Our Sales Representatives, Technicians and Customer Care Agents are prepared to provide solutions for your businesses telephony needs. (more).
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Teleconferencing Supply & Services;Telephone Systems Installation & Maintenance
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